Home visits
Home-Visiting is the heart of our work with families and remains the core of our service since Home-Start Harwich began in 1996. Families are visited in their own homes, where the dignity and identity of parents and their children can be protected.
Families can be referred by organisations and professionals or they can contact us directly to self-refer. After an initial meeting with the family to discuss their specific needs, Home-Start Harwich will carefully match the family to an outreach worker or volunteer. The help given to each family is unique and depends entirely on their circumstances, requirements and what they need help with.
Home-Start Harwich staff and volunteers support families facing isolation, the effects of post-natal illness, disability or mental health issues, bereavement, multiple births, poverty, debt or financial difficulties, and a whole range of other challenges. Our committed and caring volunteers and outreach staff are all parents themselves or have experience in bringing up children. They are friendly, approachable people who other parents can trust and rely on to listen without judging and help them to regain confidence in their own ability as parents.
The service is not time-limited and is available to any local family with a child aged 11 years or under.
Families can refer by calling 01255556230 or filling in a referral form online on the contact page